Conversion optimisation for your success
If you are still in the midst of designing your online strategy, then thoughts on the topic of usability and conversion optimisation are just right. But even after that: it always makes sense to think about the performance of the website.
Every company has the goal of being successful with its online activities and its website. This success is measured by an action of the visitor that concludes the website visit, the so-called conversion. This refers to the conversion of the visitor of a website into an actively acting customer, for example the purchase of a product, the download of information or the establishment of contact.
The fact is that Google is increasingly thinking from the user's point of view and that keywords and backlinks are no longer the only recipe for success, but content with real storytelling, i.e. the fusion of texts, images and videos into a coherent story, in which images are not just a mere accessory, but a component and captivate the visitor - and thus lead to long, extensive visits. In short: user experience is the new ranking factor for successful websites.
In order to develop the right concept here, it is important to determine even before the design process: What are the goals of the website? And: Who is my target group, my so-called buyer persona? Based on this data, the structure of the site and the content must be designed and aligned. Sometimes only a short test is enough: show the homepage of your website for only 5 seconds to a person who does not know the page and ask them what the page is about. The answers could be very surprising and show that there is a need for action. With different tests you can find out where there might be weak points in your online offer. After all, a good Google ranking is a very good basis, but it does not bring any business if the users do not make any enquiries or orders.
Make hypotheses, for example, to imply: "If you do this, you will achieve that because this or that effect will set in". With the following questions you can derive new methods of conversion optimisation and check how well you are positioned with your current web offer.
The website must give visitors an immediate answer to the following questions:
- Where am I?
- Am I even in the right place?
- Does what I see match what I am looking for?
- Does this provider meet my requirements?
- Is it for people like me?
- Can I cope with the site?
Countless topics play into the conversion optimisation part and have great weight for the success of the site. These include:
- Responsive web design - because mobile friendly websites have better conversion.
- SSL encryption - because encrypted sites are more trusted.
- Page Speed - Fast pages resonate better with users and are not clicked away as quickly.
- Headlines - Check what your headlines say and also the structure and positioning. Present advantages, not just features.
- Texts - Content is king! Captivate your customers with real storytelling.
- Images - Make sure your images are appealing and authentic.
- Colours - The colour choice of each button can be a decision for or against success.
- Call-to-action - Prompt your customers to take an action (buy, send, call).
- Trust elements - Show your customers that you can be trusted! Trust elements can be references, awards and test results that encourage the user to click a button.
Last but not least, testing different concepts and implementation forms is particularly important to learn which elements convert users better and encourage them to take action than others. This can be colours or shapes of a button, the structure of pages or overviews. Everything is relevant and plays a role. In conversion optimisation, nothing can be left to chance - and neither can the success of your business.