Website relaunch of the Baugenossenschaft der Buchdrucker eG
Also perfectly displayed on the move, thanks to Responsive Web Design.
The Baugenossenschaft der Buchdrucker eG presents itself online with a completely new concept and implementation of a mobile-compatible website. Based on the technology of Responsive Web Design, the web pages can also be viewed and read on the move without having to zoom in. The pages always adapt optimally to the available space on a smartphone or tablet PC.
The website presents all the different services of the building cooperative, as well as the very popular area of renting, where it is possible to search for vacant flats.
The brand new gradwerk CMS 6 is used to maintain the website content and to carry out marketing activities such as mailings and surveys. The new CMS 6 is the forward-looking website publishing system from gradwerk, which meets all the needs of a modern website developed for mobile devices. The user interface is intuitive and clear. With the help of additional databases developed especially for the client and seamlessly integrated into the CMS 6, the brokerage offers and real estate portfolios can be conveniently and comfortably maintained.
Baugenossenschaft der Buchdrucker eG
Founded in 1927, Baugenossenschaft der Buchdrucker eG is a housing cooperative with around 1,800 flats in Hamburg. Its current 2,400 members come from all professional groups. The name only refers to the founding idea of the building cooperative, which was originally available to the printers' guild in particular.